Every student will be invited to review the content of their MSPE in the Office of the Registrar. Once the MSPE has been drafted, students are encouraged to review their MSPE and may request changes prior to the final printing and distribution of the MSPE in accordance with Student Affairs procedures. VERY GOOD: 50% of High Pass and 50% of Pass.OUTSTANDING: minimum of 40% of Honors no grades of Pass.The summary adjective is not “pro-rated” based upon the number of core clerkships completed at the time the MSPE is prepared.

Neurology and Internal Medicine Sub-Internship clerkship grades are excluded from this computation, as not all students will have taken these rotations by the time the MSPEs are composed.
#Noteworthy characteristics mspe not submitted in time professional
Professional behavior probation will be included in the MSPE.ħ.Summary: Keck School of Medicine students are recommended for postgraduate training as Acceptable, Good, Very Good, Excellent, or Outstanding, based on a formula computing the percent of Honors/High Pass/Pass achieved on required clerkships received by the time the letter is written. Unprofessional behavior citations as well as commendations for exemplary behavior (as defined by the KSOM), may be included in the MSPE. As per the AAMC recommendations, the purpose of the MSPE is to “provide an honest and objective summary of the student’s personal attributes, experiences, and academic accomplishments based, to the greatest degree possible, on verifiable information and summative evaluations.”ģ.Noteworthy Characteristics: The characteristics are submitted by the student and are edited by Student Affairs personnel prior to placement in the letter.Ĥ.Narrative Assessments: Although the clerkship narratives may be edited for grammar, spelling, etc., the AAMC states that, “narrative assessments should be based on summative evaluations that are not edited for content.” Students who feel that their narrative comments are not a true reflection of their performance can appeal the comments through the formal grade appeal process which is time restricted.ĥ.Academic History: The Academic History is required to include information about irregular progress through medical school, such as leaves of absence, the Deans Research Scholars Program, repeated coursework, etc.Ħ.Professional Performance: The MSPE requires that we report on a student’s professional performance throughout medical school. The national release date is determined by the AAMC.Ģ.Inclusion of Negative Information: The MSPE may contain negative information about a student’s cognitive performance and personal attributes. Information included: The MSPE will include all final summative clerkship, Introduction to Clinical Medicine and elective/selective evaluations which are received in the evaluation system no later than one month prior to the national release date for the MSPE.Other information may be included if appropriate.

The MSPE contains six sections: (1) Identifying Information (2) Noteworthy Characteristics (3) Academic History (4) Academic Progress (5) Summary and (6) Medical School Information, supplemented by appendices. A student may request that the Assistant Dean for Student Affairs author their MSPE if there is a substantial reason that the Associate Dean for Student Affairs should not sign the MSPE. The MSPE is prepared by the Department of Medical Education, reviewed, and signed by the Associate Dean for Student Affairs. The MSPE is not a letter of recommendation, but an objective summary of a student’s performance throughout medical school in accordance with nationally defined guidelines. The Keck School of Medicine uses the AAMC recommended template for the creation of the Medical Student Performance Evaluation (MSPE).